Making of
Campaign photos at night
If you’ve paid our blog a visit, we’re sure you will have noticed that we’ve made a few changes to the website. Our new kptec precision parts campaign photos might have caught your eye in particular. Since we could only work with artificial lighting and were not able to darken the windows in the production hall, the photo shoot had to take place at a very unusual time for us. A night shift, so to speak.

We began setting things up with the photographers, Frank and Peter Karliczek of Joussen&Karliczek, at 08:00 p.m., and the first pictures were taken shortly before 12:00 a.m. In the intervening period, the technical equipment and the lighting was set up, the machine was cleaned and made immaculate, and the spindle was polished to a mirror shine and very, very precisely aligned. Following this careful preparation, the photo shoot went without a hitch, meaning everything could be wrapped up at 02:30 a.m., with beers to round things off. We are all thoroughly satisfied with the results and hope you are just as delighted as we are. A small compilation of our preparations for the photo shoot can be found here: